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Estate Planning

At True North Financial, you’ll gain peace of mind knowing that you have prepared for your future and left a lasting legacy.

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Planning for the future and ensuring that your wishes will be upheld shouldn’t keep you up at night.

Whether you want your money to be used for a special purpose, on a specific person or simply to ensure it remains within the family, we can help you find the appropriate solutions.

At True North Financial, we employ a collaborative approach, working collectively with your estate planning attorney and other advisors, to ensure a comprehensive service. We’ll offer guidance to ensure your assets are invested appropriately, that you have provided for your heirs, and that your wealth will be transferred in a seamless, tax-efficient manner.

We are here to help

At True North Financial, we understand that initiating a conversation surrounding death or estate planning can be extremely difficult and emotional. By planning for your future, you and your loved ones can safeguard your wealth and decisions about its future distribution and gain peace of mind knowing that you have prepared for your future and left a lasting legacy.